here's another creative expression from an Anonymous reader of my seems to be a silent questioning of the heart.
the poet in this case was probably too involved with the composition, to give a title to his creativity. well, i am taking the liberty of filling that up.hope its ok with the Anonymous ......and hope he's not going to sue me for it????
all of you, all over the world, do read and get back with any comments or reactions!! .......or maybe with more creations in response?? //best//mg
Silent Questioning......!!!
Beginning of the end of a starry, lonely night
Infinitely calm, and quiet
The Sun not yet anywhere in sight
The day just deciding to get bright
Calm and gentle breeze
Flowing though the ruffled hair
Caressing, touching
the wet cheeks, the cool air
Thoughts far away
reaching far into infinity
And yet, so little solace
from Nature's simplicity
And here is this soul
trying to put together pieces
Deep down in that lonely corner
where nobody reaches
For, the very one who could offer solace
created this, in the first place
And yet, the strange paradox
gets deeper with every instance
Where are we going
where are we headed
who knew, who knows
should not be asked, cannot be said
And while one thinks, and thinks
and ties oneself in multiple, strange knots
gets confused, frustrated
and infinitely saddened with unthinkable thoughts
Though the answers are simple
realization not that straight
What will be, is not here today
what is, will not be
Such is the destructibility
of each single moment
a madly burning fire today
gone tomorrow, leaving behind no trace, in an instant
And same way, the night will go away
followed by a bright day
but will that remain with us always
who can say
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