Monday, May 16, 2011

"You Connecting With.........YOU!!"

"You Connecting With.........YOU!!"

here's a review for my newly published book "You Connecting With ...YOU!!"

the reader "" has written::

The topic taken by you is great. By seeing first 10 pages of your book I can tell that your book has enough potential to take out attention of readers if you done a good promotion of It. keep it up.
Once again it’s a Great Work.]]

well, thanks for your encouraging comments "".

PS: this review was posted on website, where my book is listed.
Happy Connecting ...!!!//manisha

Saturday, May 14, 2011

"You Connecting With ......YOU !!"

hi all!

here's my new book "You Connecting With .....YOU !!", published recently.

An innovative book on Self-Empowerment, self-transformation .. and......... much more. you even get to see a new series of my paintings in each of the chapters of this bk.//best//mg

Thursday, May 5, 2011

"Haiku For Japan " Contest

Due to the recent terrible turn of events in "The Land of The Rising Sun" , Japan, there was a "Haiku For Japan" contest conducted by "Om-Times Magazine"
& Humanity Healing International".

Selected Haikus from this Global contest were chosen to be published in the May-1, 2011 edition of "Om-Times Magazine" and Video.

my Haiku (below) was one those published. here's sharing it with you!//best//mg

This year Sakura mightn’t bloom,
To full extent, but surely by next,
Cherry Blossoms will visit again

~Manisha Gupta, New Delhi, India