Monday, April 11, 2011

The Imperfect Haiku

Here's a piece from my Column "The Second last Word" published in the Magazine, SME WORLD, April-2011 issue.

for all those sharing my grief and concern for Japan and the Japanese, here's a Unique and Innovative Haiku which is a combination of several Haikus . this creation came into being simply because what my heart wanted to say just could not be contained within the 17 words- 3 lines format of a perfect Haiku (but that’s not the only reason I call it “The Imperfect Haiku”…!!!!!).

and so my heart just went on and on and…....…..on and….. so did my fingers…..…..till they stopped.
And here’s the result!!//mg

The Imperfect Haiku

The article I had scheduled for this issue of SMEW can wait but the issue on which I am writing cannot!!

Here’s a piece dedicated to Japan and the Japanese. I share the grief of destruction with the country which showered on me tonnes of happiness and loads of pleasant memories during my year long stay in Japan. It is the country of Perfection, of Precision, of Persistence, of Patience, of Politeness! It is sad to note that God probably doesn’t like perfection or is it that He feared competition?? Why else did He take to destruction …of the ….Perfection?????

Here is a series of Haikus (a 5-7-5 words Japanese form of poetic expression of 3 lines) making one big Haiku depicting the current scenario.

Earthquake shook land below feet
Tsunami dared, the Nuclear reactor too flared
The sea stirred in anger

The volcano glared, everyone stared
Cars, trains, ships, planes engulfed by waves
like toys in water-tub drowned

Land, sea-waves and the fire
Showed simply no politeness, but only ire
To land of politeness personified

Land of the Rising Sun
Is one such which can never set
I am willing to bet

Rising everytime from the debris
Rebuilding from destruction isn’t an easy task
Cannot be done by everyone

Japanese- you’ve done it before
Can do again, build a much better
More perfect Japan than before

Like Edison, his lab burnt
When years of research went-up in smoke
Said coolly, at least now

All mistakes were burnt up
So that he could again start afresh
Attitude of hard-working, never-tiring greatness

Ye Japan, get-up, rise again
Rethink, rebuild and regain, build a Japan
World will love to gain

Feel God doesn’t like perfection
Could also mean that he fears competition
Why-else this destruction of perfection??

This year Sakura mightn’t bloom
To full extent, but surely by next
Cherry Blossoms will visit again

To enthrall tourists from world-over
To feast their eyes on the grandeur
Of country, beauty, its people

And you have “Fuji’ Yama
Which means mountain of “No Death” (Fu-Shi)
No destruction can put end

So be born again and
Again for that is what’s nature’s cycle
To learn, learn and unlearn

Then unlearn and relearn again
The Momos (Peach blossoms) shall again flower
Spreading fruit, beauty and fragrance

The Kinkakuji temple shall shine
In its Golden gleam forever, spreading light
In the darkness of weather

In the magnificent Todaiji temple
The Great Buddha there will reside forever
And spread knowledge and enlightenment!!

It is worth emulating from the Japanese, specially for M/SMEs, how to keep at it no matter what. Persistence and patience lead to perfection, even perfection of the courage to rebuild and restart after every destruction!



  1. This is a most wonderful tribute to that amazing community !

    Out thoughts and prayers are with them as they build their lives back ..

    Thanks for writing such a touching piece, Manisha.

  2. Japan as a nation and Japanese as a community have lived through hardships the better part of their history and have tremendous resilience and gutsto face adversity. But this is a severe test and i wish them all the best. Through your articles and verses youare creating the right support framework. Keep it up. A sweet way to pay back.
