Friday, November 30, 2012

Month of Happiness....!!

Hi  !!

have been "Happily" away for quite sometime. and literally too..!!
because the month of October has kept me involved with almost every aspect of Happiness. ..............including the negative ones too.

first was busy with the OECD World Forum on Wellbeing  and immediately after that went off on a visit to the "Happiness Country".......................Bhutan!!   and that was a visit befitting the moment.............after having been in the OECD conference  discussing every......i repeat...every aspect of Happiness, i couldn't have gone to any other place  but that which happens to be the birth place of the concept called Gross National Happiness or GNH for short.

will share with you more about the Bhutan visit later
till then............
be happy.......................


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