Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Chewing Gum for...........Happiness !!

I am sure everyone noted how the U.S President, Barack Obama, kept on chewing gum while enjoying India's Republic Day parade  this 26th January.

well, here's something for you all to chew on...........!!

Happy chewing......!!//mg

Chewing Gum for............ Happiness !!

Surely nobody failed to notice U.S president, Barack Obama, continuously chewing gum during India’s 66th Republic Day parade event on Jan. 26, 2015.

            One just wonders why? Why, pray tell me, did Obama chew so much gum (or was it ‘Gham’ ??) when there was such a pleasant and heavy shower of ‘khushi’  all around due to his gracious presence on our R-Day !

            Generally speaking, reasons for people chewing gum can be many. From tension to depression to nervousness, thirst, hunger, or simply boredom, one may indulge in this activity due to any of these. Some may even do it just out of habit or for fun. Then there are those who do this to curb themselves from eating a lot. This could be especially true of those wanting to reduce weight. These could just be probable causes, though the effects could be as varied. Most people would vouch for the fact that chewing gum for long will definitely result in some ill-effects, some problem or the other. This activity may result in serious health problems like tooth decay or stomach ulcers.

But, surprisingly, this habit may not be all that bad. There is always a second side of the same coin and it is heartening to note that there could also be a positive side effect of this habit. Researchers, on the basis of their scientific findings, suggest that there perhaps are some benefits of this too.  Ranging from improving memory, concentration & focus to reducing sleepiness & laziness, the positives could be as many. It could also be a strategy to not get bored by keeping oneself occupied with the chewing. Just give oneself the feeling of doing something, even while not doing anything at all. This could be with people who are always extremely busy and cannot sit idle for a long time. And our honourable guest, Mr Obama, definitely fits into this category. Of course he may also have been utilizing this time during the parade viewing to work upon improving his memory & concentration to still higher levels.

And if it was any gham that he was chewing along with the gum, on second thoughts, one really wonders why not!! Why shouldn’t he chew it?

            The reason being simple. If you chew all your ‘gham’, and keep doing it for a while, ideally, the ‘gham’ like the gum, will be left tasteless and ineffective and immaterial after some time. Which means that it will no more impact or affect you or your life. The result being, you will automatically end up with more ‘khushi’ (happiness) than ‘gham’ (sorrow). Wow ! Chewing 'Gham' for 'Khushi' !

            Now, had Obama not chewed gum throughout our R-Day function this year, this enlightenment of chewing ‘gham’ for 'khushi' would never have dawned on me. So, happy chewing ‘gham’ (and maybe some gum too after knowing the benefits!) to all of you for experiencing a heavy shower of happiness in your lives !!

 Manisha Gupta


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